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(PPAT) Praxis Performance Assessment of Teachers

The PPAT, or Praxis Performance Assessment of Teachers, is a capstone assessment that measures a teacher candidate's ability to provide contextual factors that impact learning environments. It also measures the candidate's ability to plan lessons, teach content, and use assessments to measure K-12 student learning. The assessment is divided into 4 Tasks, one of which requires a video recording of a teaching session. The assessment is administered by ETS. All teacher candidates applying for licensure in the state of Utah must pass a state-approved pedagogical performance assessment if recommended after August 31, 2021. BYU provides links to the ETS website and has developed Powerpoint introductions to each task. The assessment is designed, however, to be completed by the candidate as a capstone project and as an evaluation of their teaching ability. As ETS owns and administers the assessment, students should consult the PPAT website for final clarification of tasks.