Dual Language Immersion - Minor Skip to main content

Dual Language Immersion - Minor

The Dual Language Immersion K-12 Teaching Minor prepares students to earn a Utah Dual Language Immersion (DLI) endorsement, which may be attached to either an elementary or secondary-level teaching license.

1. Articulate theoretical principles and research findings that support dual language instruction, especially with regard to immersion education

2. Identify appropriate objectives for the learning of academic content, language, literacy, and culture that correspond to curriculum guidelines and student proficiency levels

3. Select and modify curriculum and materials for use in immersion programs

4. Plan for instruction that systematically integrates a focus on academic content with a focus on language

5. Manage the classroom in the immersion language, making input comprehensible and sustaining a clear and consistent separation of languages

6. Scaffold activities to provide opportunities for student output in the immersion language and elicit specific language functions and forms

7. Teach initial literacy skills in two languages and promote the development of biliteracy

8. Implement formative and summative assessments of subject matter and language learning, and apply assessment results to improve instruction