BYU EPP Field Placement Requirements Skip to main content

BYU EPP Field Placement Requirements

BYU EPP Field Placement Requirements

The Brigham Young University and the school districts including Alpine, Jordan, Nebo, Provo and Wasatch, comprise a formalized relationship known as the BYU-Public School Partnership. Expectations have been established through the partnership to ensure high levels of collaboration and performance.

The BYU-Public School Partnership is grounded in a common mission, shared vision and collective commitments. Over the years, the partnership has engaged in structured communication and procedures relative to providing high caliber clinical experiences for all candidates in the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) at BYU. Assurances, processes, and practices are in place that ensure quality supervision and support to all candidates. It is with this in mind that the Governing Board of the BYU-Public School Partnership has determined the following:

  1. All student teacher and intern placements shall occur within the five partnership school districts or approved National and International Student Teacher Placement (N.I.S.T.P.) sites, which include Washington DC, Houston, and China.
  2. In the event that a placement is needed outside of the BYU-PSP, an exception may be considered through the following process:
    1. The request must be authorized by the program coordinator and submitted to the Education Advisement Center (EAC) and the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) stating the justification for the request. If the EAC and the EPP support the request, it will then be forwarded to the Executive Director of the BYU-PSP to inform the Governing Board.
    2. The appropriate associate dean shall be notified of any placement outside of the BYU-PSP.
  3. Student Teaching applications should be submitted by February 1 for Fall semester and October 1 for Winter semester.