Chemistry Education - BS Skip to main content

Chemistry Education - BS

Program graduates will have demonstrate a solid conceptual understanding of the structure and reactivity of matter and will firmly grasp the key ideas and practices in analytical, organic and physical chemistry.

Program graduates will be able to perform basic laboratory procedures used in inorganic and small molecule analysis, organic synthesis, and physical chemistry including good standard lab practices and accurate record keeping. They will also be able to design effective experiments, critically analyze data, and apply basic statistical principles to experimental results and carry out an independent research project in a laboratory class setting. Program graduates who choose the research option, will be able to draw on classroom knowledge and laboratory classes to make an individual contribution in a research laboratory. Program graduates will be able to effectively communicate ideas and experimental results in a variety of formats including written and oral reports and technical graphics as well as, be able to search, read, and understand technical and pedagogical literature related to the chemical sciences. Graduates of this program will be able to apply an understanding of chemistry and methods of pedagogy to teaching concepts and problem solving in chemistry at the high school and advanced placement level. Graduates will be able to manage the typical range of challenges in the classroom, lab, and field trips, and they will have developed skills in teaching high school students with different cultural backgrounds. Graduates will be prepared to be effective educators at the secondary level and be able to effectively communicate the range of career opportunities in the chemical sciences open to their students.